I started this week of development by adding an end state to the Bunker level so that the player can leave the bunker and move on to the rest of the game. This end state involves the player inputting a secret code (given eventually to them by the Mother during dialogue) into a terminal/PC by the bunker door to transition the scene to the next one in the build. Firstly to get this to work I added a UI canvas and added a bunch of rectangles to create a screen shape and once that was done I added text that reads “please enter your password” and a text input box to allow the player to input the secret code.


I then added a script that controls this terminal I started by first using the same code from the lore interactions I had added in the previous week by having the terminal make an E prompt appear when the player enters its collider/trigger area. The interesting part, however, was getting the secret code to work, this was a lot of trial and error with many code issues but after some googling and use of ChatGPT to help me decipher the unity error codes I landed with this.


The above code sets the secret code as 4927 (which eventually will be said to the player in the mother's dialogue) and then if the user inputs the correct code the scene manager will change to the next scene within the build. This code was interesting to me because it was so simple yet the mountain of errors I got was almost unstoppable.

After I had made the code work I looked into adding some sound to the terminal so I went onto royalty-free music website https://www.epidemicsound.com/ which allows people to download 3 free sounds or afterward pay for individual licenses and downloaded a sound that says in a robotic voice to enter the password.


After this the ending of the bunker scene as possible however, I struggled to think of how to get the door to open within a 2D space without looking janky I tried having the door simply disappear and the player be able to walk up the stairs but this seemed a bit simple so instead I went with the idea of creating a transition scene. So to do this I once again created another timeline which had a bunch of grey squares that were slightly further over than the other and then I put them all within a very big timeline so that they could be deactivated one after another to create the illusion of the door opening.


As well as this I also added two sounds from the website I used before that tell the player that the password has been accepted and the door is opening.



These go along with the doors opening states to make the sound of the door opening more authentic and as the door opens it reveals a set of stairs towards the outside which is another image I created using the BlueWillow Artificial intelligence using the prompt “set of stairs, to a doorway looking out on a destroyed world” and the image below was the result.


Furthermore I then took this image and made it darker a few times over to create a fade effect that would smoothly transition the player into the second level of the game.


Furthermore, this week I added the father's dialogue into the scene, the dialogue works the same way as the Grandfathers however, in this Donald doesn't respond but instead walks past the Father as he says that Donald's mother is looking for them and she is upstairs. In this interaction, I also added a treadmill sound that fades in and out when the player activates the Father's dialogue trigger area (box collider 2D). After I added the father's dialogue I moved on to furnishing some more of the scene and realized that the top layer of the bunker is very bare with just the mother NPC and the computer in it so I decided to draw and add a few new objects. The first of which is a locker so that the residents of the vault have storage space.


And the next background asset I added to the top layer of the bunker was a server I decided on having this as an asset because I thought it could be the system that runs all of the operations within the vault like the air filtration and water supplies etc.
